Thursday, December 19, 2013

First Things First


I am glad to finally be starting a blog for my shop SweetKandee. Its been a long time coming! I am actually in the midst of changing my logo and main page design, but I have been using that excuse to not start a blog for too long. No better time than the present, so say the sages.

My desire is to dedicate this blog to being a behind the scenes look at what goes into my shop items and the inspiration behind it all.

Of course this will involve some of my own ramblings from time to time. Hopefully some humor that's not just funny to me, and other random things that I find delightful, interesting or inspiring.

This is my little workspace. Its not much, but its my favorite place to daydream and create. I love my yarn and my collection of hand carved stamps from India. Having them on display inspires me and makes me smile. Hmm.. looks like there is a lot of empty space that should be filled with more yarn.

Feel free to follow me on Pinterest, my other obsession... er...  interest.

Thanks for checking out my page!

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