Saturday, December 21, 2013

Let it Snow... Sort Of

Ok, so I live in south Texas where winter time gets cool, but never really all that cold. I hear that it snowed here once a long time ago, but I think it's more urban legend just to keep hopes alive for a white Christmas someday. Ha.

My oldest son loves to reminisce about Christmas past when we lived in Washington state where we went sledding and built snowmen in our back yard. It's been somewhat difficult for him to have to miss out on that now, but he is a natural optimist!

Not Texas...

To celebrate the first official day of winter break from school, we cut out snowflakes and made it "snow" in the boys' bedroom.

Its not exactly the same thing, but he said he thinks it looks cool. (His pun was intended, such a ham bone.)

A peek ahead: In the near future I will include a tutorial on how I custom painted those letters to look like vintage metal. SO easy and fun!

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